Takrut Na o teck
This takrut is called takrut na o Teck as it make the wearer more charming. For couples they will be loving while for singles they will draw attention to their opposite sex. This is a powerful takrut which make people hard to forget you and leave people a good impression of you until they wish to see you more often.
In the Thai language for Na o Teck, which means that the heart of the meaning of the explosion,that is, with a solid tower, you can let the other party (the customer) (Valentine) for your heart, obsession, generate thoughts, popular, elegant strokes, strokes heterosexual.
LP Ler learnt many old magic subjects for making effective Takruts from LP Salat, & was made famous during one chanting ceremony at Wat Pradoosongtam. During the ceremony, LP chanted and the holy water in front of him start spinning in the tank & eventually the tank exploded. Currently, LP Ler is highly respected as the 2nd LP Kalong in Thailand. LP's Takruts are famous in Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore & China.
Enhancements & Effects:
Excellent can let the other party (the customer) (Valentine) for your heart, obsession, generate thoughts, popular, elegant strokes, strokes heterosexual
LP ler learnt many old magic subject for making effective takruts from LP salat,& was made famous during one chanting ceremony at wat pradoosongtam. during the ceremony,LP chanted and the holy water in famous of him start spinning in the tank & eventually the tank exploded. currently,LP Ler is highly respected as the 2nd LP kalong in thailand.Lp's Takruts are famous in thailand,Malaysia.singapore & china 以下是有關高僧的介紹: 龍婆樂高僧 也曾向泰國大城府鼎鼎有名的 龍婆Salat高僧(Wat Pradoo Song Tam,Ayuthaya) 學習打坐及學習製作古老正宗塔固符铜。所以龍婆樂高僧 的聖物對信徒們各方面的疑难雜症都能爲他們排解。 龍婆樂高僧 鲜少督造佛牌舆信徒结緣,可是在信徒們的苦苦哀求下,龍婆樂高僧 才破例製造了一些佛牌舆聖物。据當地村民説:龍婆樂高僧 在他们的心目中就好像泰國的第2代已圓寂的高僧'龍普卡龍'。 這幾年 龍婆樂高僧 的信徒增加了許多,當中也不乏商業界中的名商,政界人物,高頭衔的警界人物或高級军官等。在龍婆樂高僧 的廟里,也時常見到外國的善信来拜訪及供請 龍婆樂高僧 的聖物,符铜塔固。 這些外國的善信来自世界各地,如馬來西亚,新加坡,香港,台湾,中國,加拿大等。 在佛曆2553年時,龍婆樂高僧 被邀请到大城府的Wat Pradoosongtam加持開光法會。當時 龍婆樂高僧 在打坐加持,在他前面砵裡面装着的經水却不停的在旋轉,而后那個钵也居然當塲破掉了,這件事現塲的信众們都有看到,并在泰國登上雜志。 有很多人戴着 龍婆樂高僧 親手製作的聖物都陆續發生了很多不可思議的事蹟,例如10幾年賣不出去的土地,在聖物配戴後一星期内就有財團主動找上門,并出高價購買、業务員突然間業績突飛猛進、不能解决的事也会出現貴人相助、人緣關係極差的信徒配戴了 龍婆樂高僧 的人緣符管後結交了許多朋友,同時也改善了上司与下属的關係等。